måndag 15 mars 2010

The blinding white

The snow crunched underfoot, white and glistening in the sunshine. Not a cloud threatened the blue in the sky, and from this altitude only the thin morning mist blocked the view of the landscape below. The whole world was silent. No wind howled and threw gusts of snow in the air, no birds chirped and darted across the sky, and—most importantly—no cars or other man made devices disturbed the calm. Martin could stay up here forever.
   He was not going to, however, so he sat down in the cold snow and put his newly sharpened snowboard in front of him. Slowly he pulled the bindings, one foot in each. Then he sat, perfectly still, just watching the white heaven unfold before his eyes.

When the early fog had been driven off the peak, he stood and eased himself into motion down the gentle slope. He placed the goggles he had had sitting on his head in front of his eyes and all he saw faded into a pale, yellow tone. The speed picked up as the slope increased and he leaned backwards to keep the front of the board from diving into the powdery snow.
   Moments later, the landscape flew by. He made the snow spray in wide arcs as he turned smoothly from side to side to keep the pace. He focused intently on the ground in front of him and saw only shades of white. Suddenly he leapt into the air, twisting in a full revolution before hitting the snow again in a cloud of white powder. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins, pounding at his temples and the rush of the speed warmed his soul.

The rocks were approaching fast. Sharp, brown-and-grey islands in the white ocean he surfed. He knew the fall behind them was high but he was determined to make it. Crouching down, facing the cliff edge, he charged himself for the jump. With full force he leapt over the ledge, drawing his legs up beneath him to avoid scratching the board on the snowless mountain. He was flying.
   The colourless landscape was more than ten meters below, his arms were flailing violently to maintain balance. Thoughts raced through his head, none of which stuck. With a heavy thud and a blinding plume of pale smoke he landed, shouting at the sky with all his heart. Stopping, his face cracked up in a wide smile. He cheered again, savouring the feeling. All alone, breathless, with no one to share his moment. This was what he lived for..

8 kommentarer:

  1. Bra! Man känner sig delaktig. Det är bara det där adrenalinet... Jag har väl också skrivit det någon gång... Men det är ett ganska utnött uttryck, in my book.

  2. Eftersom du undrar: den här gången var jag litet busig och använde en plats jag älskar och verkliga personer men själva berättelsen är påhittad. Skriver sällan självupplevt men ofta smyger det in någon verklig detalj.

  3. Bra! Ingen snowboard fantast men förstår känslan så väl här :). Snyggt skrivet, du behärskar bägge dina språk!

  4. jag läste personlighetsteorier på engelska, jobbigt även denna text lär mig att det språket behärskar jag begränsat, men gillar texten även om det tog tid för mig att läsa träning ger färdighet säger man men jag ligger hästlängder ifrån din färdighet.

  5. Gillade! Och fäste mej vid den snygga kopplingen mellan den nyslipade brädan och klipporna. och blinding plume of pale smoke!

  6. Ja... bra och modigt att skriva på engelska. Men du kanske är fluent in english? Kul att läsa!

  7. Jättehärlig text tyckte jag, känner vinterlukten in näsan :-) Vackra formuleringar, som sagt, gillar särskilt: "the early fog had been driven off the peak," för jag ser den liksom passera - och när han log där i slutet, då log jag med :-)

  8. Tack för soliga kommentaren idag :-)
    Jag har anammat mindervärdeskomplex så snart jag skriver på rim - känner mig ofin, banal och lite billig då jag rimmar - opretentiös liksom!? blir lite generat glad och förvånad att det ändå tas emot varmhjärtat av er andra skrivpuffare :-)
    (sen så tycker jag det är rätt kul att rimma, fastän jag inte riktigt tycker det är riktigt "fint"... knäpp man är...)
